二零二四年。十一月。十二号. 12 November 2024.

Hello my brothers. I've accidentally [insert iconic film character who did something similar's name] my way into making my professor love meeeee. Just so you know: I don't love school. I'm a hedonistic mf who only wants to do the things I enjoy. BUT my type of lazy is not the 'I'll put off all the work until the last minute' variety - it's the 'I'll do everything ASAP so I don't have to worry about it later' type.
Soooooo In one of my courses, we have a bunch of assignments on this educational website. We're meant to do one of them every week; Brother, you know I did 'em all in Week 1. Despite all that, though, I've barely been scraping by in that class, getting passable but shitty grades. So the other day I get yet another unsatisfactory grade on an exam, realise I don't have much time left to fix my grade, & call up my prof. Dude checks my profile to see if I'm actually trying in class or if I'm one of those asshole students who does nothing and then complains about having bad grades. He sees that I've done allll those assignments months in advance. Shock in his voice. I'm all "haha yeah, I did them all ahead of time so I could make the questions into flash cards XD". He asks about my progress on our Major Semester-Long project. Me? I finished that thing a month ago. He asks about the group presentation. "Yep, we've all created our sections and we're presenting next week!" Understanding dawns on him; I'm a hardworking, down-to-earth kid doing my best with what I've got - a bonafide American if he's ever seen one. I'm just trying my hardest. I ain't afraid to ask for help. He has mercy on me; goes into my profile and changes some settings so I can retake our latest exam as many times as I want to.
Moral of the story being if you want your teachers to like you, speedrun all your assignments in week 1. Fuck it. We ball.
On tha medication front: Something clicked after taking it for a while & now I mostly don't need it. I can keep conversations going, say more-or-less normal things, & be 'myself' without overdoing it. Still no social life but I've found that I don't really want one around here. I have my roommates & I'm satisfied with that. Most other students are unpleasant, awkward, & so hard to like. They're mostly upper-middle-class, borderline wealthy locals in one of the most expensive cities in the country & BRO they're insufferable!!!! This whole time I though the 'stuck-up overindulgent rich kid' was a mere stereotype. NOPE. Everyone here dresses & acts the sameeeee. They got those oversized sweatshirt + flannel pajama pants + Ugg house slippers (because Americans) + Marc Jacobs tote bag fits; messy buns for women, fluffy tops with side fades for men (alas, the perm has gone out of style). They skip nearly every class & bitch about their awful grades. They watch tiktoks with the volume blaring in the library. Won't do the work in group assignments and call you crazy for being annoyed by it. They feel entitled to good grades, to internships, to high-paying jobs. I for real can't stand this environment. Even the poor people pick up those behaviours and end up being just as annoying.
That's all I got for now. See you around shawties :з